Fujian Super Tech Advanced Material Co., Ltd.
Fujian Super Tech Advanced Material Co., Ltd.

회사 프로필

Fujian Super Tech Advanced Material Co., Ltd 정보

2007 년 중국 푸젠성 룽옌시 리안청 현을 시작으로 푸젠 슈퍼테크는 혁신적이고 진보된 에너지 관리 기술로 용감한 세계를 창조한다. 진공 절연 패널의 누적 전 세계 판매량은 4,300 만 평방 미터를 초과했습니다.

더 큰 공간으로 초저 에너지 소비를 달성 할 수 있도록 1,500 만 냉장고. 냉장고의 수명 동안 누적 전력 절약은 거의 천만 가족의 연간 사용을 공급할 수 있습니다.

이 회사는 핵심 재료, 진공 절연 유리, 장벽 필름, 흡수성, 진공 포장 제조 및 성능 테스트의 통합 생산 및 독립적 인 혁신적인 기술의 능력을 보유하고 있습니다.

거의 20 년 동안 업계에서 깊이 관여해온 당사의 제품은 진공 단열 분야에서 브랜드 인지도를 확립했습니다. 냉장고 및 냉동고 단열재 분야의 시장 점유율은 업계에서 주도하고 있습니다. 현재, 우리는 하이얼, 삼성, Midea, CIMC 및 기타 잘 알려진 기업과 국내외에서 장기적인 협력 파트너십을 설립했습니다. 우리의 고객은 모든 유럽, 미국, 아시아, 호주 및 다른 국가 및 지역.

공장 쇼

Fujian Super Tech Advanced Material Co., Ltd.
Fujian Super Tech Advanced Material Co., Ltd.
Super Tech factory
Super Tech factory
Super Tech factory
thermal insulation material factory
Super Tech factory
Super Tech insulation materials factory
Super Tech product inspection
Super Tech product inspection
Super Tech insulation materials production
Super Tech thermal insulation material production

자회사 프로필

슈퍼 테크 콜드 체인
super tech cold chain
super tech cold chain
super tech cold chain
super tech cold chain
VIG (샤먼) 기술
thermal insulation product weiaiji
thermal insulation product weiaiji
thermal insulation product weiaiji
thermal insulation product weiaiji
thermal insulation product weiaiji
thermal insulation product weiaiji
thermal insulation product weiaiji
thermal insulation product weiaiji
thermal insulation product weiaiji
슈퍼 테크 필름
super tech film
super tech film
super tech film
super tech film
super tech film
super tech film
super tech film
super tech film
안후이 슈퍼 테크
anhui super tech
anhui super tech
anhui super tech
anhui super tech
anhui super tech
anhui super tech
anhui super tech
anhui super tech
anhui super tech
슈퍼 테크 건축 자재
super tech building materials
super tech building materials
super tech building materials
super tech building materials

명예 인증서

first prize in scientific progress of the refrigeration society
supertech vacuum insulation board products a leader in product quality in the insulation and energy saving material industry
recommended products for green building energy conservation
the fujian provincial department of industry and information technology has issued a list of leading industrial enterprises in fujian province
epland core award 2017
fujian province famous trademark certificate
fujian province new product and new technology appraisal certificate
nano film vacuum insulation board won the innovation award for new materials application in home appliances
red headed document of provincial enterprise technology center
notice on the recognition of the fourth batch of independent innovation products in fujian province in 2010
2016 high tech enterprise certificate
2012 fujian province excellent new product second prize
2018 china home appliance supplier outstanding contribution award
2013 provincial enterprise engineering technology research center
certificate of 93rd place among the top 100 strategic emerging industries in fujian in 2020
certificate of eplan core award at china home appliances expo
backbone enterprises of strategic emerging industries in fujian province
exemplary organization of longyan intellectual property pilot work
first prize certificate for scientific progress of the chinese refrigeration society
fujian province independent innovation product certificate
first prize of china home appliance technology progress award
fujian province science and technology little giant leading enterprise certificate 2016
high and new technology enterprises
industry exemplary organization in 2021
intellectual property advantage enterprises in fujian province
fujian provinces specialized refined and new  small and medium enterprises
key high tech enterprises under the national torch program
national key new product certificate vacuum insulation board mst
national key new product certificate vacuum insulation board
second prize of longyan patent award
the second batch of specialized refined and innovative small giant enterprises in china november 2021
supervisory units for 2022 2027